Thursday, July 19, 2012

fallacy of Natural science

Why is natural science an ever evolving revered field of study??

Probably its because proponents of science believe that its has a self corrective mechanism and therefore, cannot hide the truth from revealing itself for all times.

But , then what is this self corrective mechanism???

The procedure adopted that verifiable truth only can be incorporated as science and also by premising its discoveries with mathematical equations.

These mathematical equations and backing often tends to opine/create  truth absolute.

Absoluteness is something that cannot be attained and its unnatural.

However, with  time scientist are obsessed with creating absolute mathematical model and empirical proposition.

And, consequently are trapped in the vicious circle of finding the absolute, but , the fact of the matter is the absolute is non attainable.

No, I'm not being pessimist but  realistically absoluteness is absent.

Therefore, mathematical representation, backing  science holds no real sense.

The more one falls on mathematics for answer the more he is trapped in the limbo of unattainable.

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